It is with sadness that I inform you that Brother Don Feick died yesterday on Christmas Day. Don joined the Knights of Columbus on December 1, 1975, and has always been an active member of Roanoke Council #562. He is also a member of the Fourth Degree, joining the Roanoke Assembly on November 2, 2002.
His special passion was KOVAR, serving as our council KOVAR chairman for several years and on the KOVAR Board of Directors as well.
As soon as I receive information about his funeral arrangements, I will send a follow up communication. I do know that a Fourth Degree Honor Guard has been requested.
Please pray for the repose of Don’s soul and keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Update 12/28 12:21 PM:
As I shared earlier this week, Brother Don Feick died on Christmas Day. A visitation will be held on Friday, January 3, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Oakey’s South Chapel. A Mass will be held on Saturday, January 4, at 11:00 a.m. at Our Lady of Nazareth.
I want to remind all members the 2019 dues notices have been mailed and dues should be submitted in a timely manner. If you have already paid your 2019 dues I thank you. New membership cards will be mailed shortly to those who have paid 2019 dues. If you have not paid your dues a second notice will be sent out in January. It would be helpful to me if you pay them before January 15. and it will save the Council the expense of a second mailing. If you have questions about your dues amount or issues in paying your dues please contact me at 540-797-1703 (C) or 540-774-8482 (H)