Passing of Brother Don Feick

Worthy Brothers,

It is with sadness that I inform you that Brother Don Feick died yesterday on Christmas Day. Don joined the Knights of Columbus on December 1, 1975, and has always been an active member of Roanoke Council #562. He is also a member of the Fourth Degree, joining the Roanoke Assembly on November 2, 2002.

His special passion was KOVAR, serving as our council KOVAR chairman for several years and on the KOVAR Board of Directors as well.

As soon as I receive information about his funeral arrangements, I will send a follow up communication. I do know that a Fourth Degree Honor Guard has been requested.

Please pray for the repose of Don’s soul and keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Keep in Your Prayers – August 2024

  • Linda, Wife of Brother Knight Greg Benda diagnosed with breast cancer
  • The late Lynn Bertollaci (wife of Brother Knight Al)
  • The late PGK Robert Poole
  • Wife of Brother Knight Paul Miller
  • Michelle, wife of Brother Knight Jack Clarke
  • The mother of Brother Knight Jack Clarke
  • Father George of Saint Ellis
  • Paul Yengst who broke his hip
  • Paul Yengst’s Mother
  • Aunt Milli of Brother Knight Juan Garcia

Grand Knight’s Report – August 2024

Brother Knights,
On July I attended the VA State organizational meeting and the 10th National Eucharistic Congress. The organizational meeting was a great kickoff to the new fraternal year and focused on many of the practical works and programs we have planned. All of you should have an email listing council activities in August and if you have not received it, please reach out to me and/or our Financial Secretary, Brian Ripple, so we can confirm the contact information we have for you.
All our charitable works are necessary, yet we should always remain grounded in our Catholic faith. The Eucharistic Congress was an extraordinary call to renewal of our Catholic faith and many attendees, including my wife and I, witnessed this. The mission we have now is to spread this call to renewal. How does this renewal happen? To borrow the words of Fr. Mike Schmitz’s keynote speech: “you can never have revival without repentance”. This is a reminder for me and all of you to go to regular confession. What do we do next? Per Bishop Robert Barron’s closing from his keynote speech:
“Your job: bring the lumen to the gentles. Bring the light of Christ out into the secular world. This great revival will have been a failure if we don’t change our society, if we don’t stream forth from this place with the Light of Christ. Become the people you’re meant to be.
Catherine of Sienna said it: ‘become the people God wants you to be and you will set the world on fire’”.

James Valenzuela
Grand Knight