Keep in Your Prayers – February ’25
- Brother Knight Leon Vinci
- Amy Miller, wife of Brother Knight Paul Miller
- The Late Donnie Ratliff, father of Brother Knight Stephen who died 1/21
- The Late Brother Knight Don Feick
- Grand Knight’s mother’s cancer recovery
- Roger Vest’s mother-in-law
- The Late Brother Knight Joe Thompson
- Father Danny Hogan
- Don Brown’s Late Father
Knightly News February, 2025
Keep in Your Prayers – January ’25
- Donnie Ratliff, father of brother Stephen Ratliff
- Michael O’Chalek
- Paul Miller’s wife
- Chris Sheets passed away.
- George Cuadrado’s Wife Shelia recovering from tendon surgery
- Field Agent Jack Clarke’s wife Michelle also recovering from tendon surgery
- Greg and Linda Benda
- Grand Knight’s mother’s cancer recovery
- Roger Vest’s mother-in-law
Knightly News January, 2025
Passing of Joan Alouf
Joan Alouf, the wife of Brother Fred Alouf, passed away on December 20, at the age of 91.
Joan’s funeral Mass was held on Friday, December 27.
Here is a link to Joan’s obituary –
Please pray for the repose of Joan’s soul and keep Brother Fred and the Alouf family in your thoughts and prayers.
Passing of Brother Don Feick
Worthy Brothers,
It is with sadness that I inform you that Brother Don Feick died yesterday on Christmas Day. Don joined the Knights of Columbus on December 1, 1975, and has always been an active member of Roanoke Council #562. He is also a member of the Fourth Degree, joining the Roanoke Assembly on November 2, 2002.
His special passion was KOVAR, serving as our council KOVAR chairman for several years and on the KOVAR Board of Directors as well.
As soon as I receive information about his funeral arrangements, I will send a follow up communication. I do know that a Fourth Degree Honor Guard has been requested.
Please pray for the repose of Don’s soul and keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Update 12/28 12:21 PM:
As I shared earlier this week, Brother Don Feick died on Christmas Day. A visitation will be held on Friday, January 3, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Oakey’s South Chapel. A Mass will be held on Saturday, January 4, at 11:00 a.m. at Our Lady of Nazareth.
Here is the link to Don’s full obituary –
Live Stream of Funeral Mass
Knightly News December, 2024
Knightly News November, 2024
Keep in Your Prayers: November ’24
- Rich Whitney
- Dan McBride
- Paul Miller’s wife Amy
- Michelle Clarke
- Greg and Linda Banda
- Don Feick
- Mother of Grand Knight James
- Aunt Milli of Brother Knight Juan