- Brother Joe Moses’s wife will be have a procedure tomorrow (9/7)
- Al Bertolacci’s wife, Lynn
- Briana Beinhoff in a coma for the last two years.
- Brother Ed Malinowski with COVID for the twelfth day
- For the repose of the soul of Brother Engene “Gene” Jones
- For the repose of the soul of Brother Partrick “Pat” Minahan
Author Archives: Webmaster
Your Prayers, August ’22
- Jane Wills, mother of a brother knight
- Late Sir Knight Jim McNabb, Past Grand Knight of this council.
- Late Sir Knight Michael Unger.
- Dave Chopski
- Al Bertolacci’s wife, Lynn
Keep in Your Prayers: July ’22
- The Deputy Grand Knight’s (Nate Griffith) mother, Kathy, who has just been diagnosed with cancer.
- Father of Brother Stephen Ratliff, Donnie, under going physical therapy
Keep in Your Prayers June ’22
- The Victims of the War in Ukraine
- The Victims of Gun Violence in the United States
2022-3 Council Officers
Grand Knight Clyde Moak
Deputy Grand Knight Nate Griffith
Chancellor Dan McBride
Warden Stephen Ratliff
Treasurer Val Bernys
Recorder Jan Hodnett
Advocate Rich Whitney
Outside Guard Chris Johnson
Inside Guard Tom Huck
Three Year Trustee Bill Howard
Grand Knight Delegate Clyde Moak
Alternate Grand Knight Delegate Nate Griffith
Past Grand Knight Delegate James Valenzuela
Alternate Past Grand Knight Delegate Karl Kleinhenz
Canfield Scholarship Karl Kleinhenz
Elected June 6, 2022 without objection
Keep in Your Prayers: May 22
- Sister Lucille of a brother knight
- Those taking first Communion at Our
- Repose of the soul of Brother Charles Anderson, PGK
- Brother Ed Malinowski and his wife with recent and future operations.
Canfield Scholarships 2022
- Megan Crowe
- Alexis Ellis
- Margaret Hodnett
- Domnick Lazzuri
- Christopher Moak
- Emma Patterson
- Paxton Vest
Keep In Your Prayers (April ’22)
- Brother Joe Moses, PGK
- Sister-in-law of Roger Vest, Debbie Bolinski
Keep in Your Prayers (March 2022)
- Donnie Ratliff who had surgery today, father of Brother Stephen Ratliff
- Brother in Law of Brother Paul Miller
- Charles Anderson
- Sister Lucille of Brother Rob Jenjo just had surgery
- People of The Ukraine
Keep in your Prayers (December 2021)
Please keep the following in your prayers.
- Brother Joe Devlin’s wife Barbara following colonoscopy
- Raymond Coulombe Father in law of Field Agent Jack
- Family of Jeff Stone, who’s wife Maureen recently past away
- Late Brother Night Kenneth Michalski
- Late Brother Night Lawrence Ptachek
- Sister-law whose husband away had to relocate to PGK James Valenzuela
- Donnie Ratliff, jaw pain, father of Brother Stephen Ratliff
- Joan Pizzi, leg issues, mother-in-law of Brother Leon Vinci