Keep in Your Prayers: December ’22

Father Joe Lehman, former Pastor of Our Lady of Nazareth Roanoke, pastor Saint Bede Williamsburg, in critical condition in Atlanta

Nate’s three-year son Henry broke his leg, keep the family in your prayers.

Brother Tom Huck’s niece with blood clot

Keep in Your Prayers, October ’22

  • Wife of Brother Knight Steve Wills, Jane during her battle with cancer
  • Late Brother Knight Gene Jones
  • Late Brother Knight Patrick Minahan
  • Late Brother Knight Tom Harvy
  • Brother Knight Nelson Carey’s late wife Kathy
  • Late Past Grand Knight of Rocky Mount, Albert Galvin

Keep in Your Prayers – September ’22

  • Brother Joe Moses’s wife will be have a procedure tomorrow (9/7)
  • Al Bertolacci’s wife, Lynn
  • Briana Beinhoff in a coma for the last two years.
  • Brother Ed Malinowski with COVID for the twelfth day
  • For the repose of the soul of Brother Engene “Gene” Jones
  • For the repose of the soul of Brother Partrick “Pat” Minahan