Services for FS Mike Lazzuri, PSD, PGK
Tuesday June 1 Oakey’s South Chapel
- 2:00 – 4:00 Visitation
- 5:30 – 7:30 Visitation
- 7:30 Rosary with prayer service to follow
Wednesday June 2 Saint Andrew’s Church
- 11:00 Visitation
- 12:00 – 1:00 Funeral Mass
- following the mass Internment will occur at Saint Andrew’s Cemetery
Knightly News June, 2021
Knightly News May 2021
Protected: Meeting Notes: March 1, 2021
Knightly News April, 2021
Memorial Mass Live Stream Link
7 PM Monday March Fifteenth, 2021
Meeting Notes: Feb. 1, 2021
The virtual meeting was called to order by the GK James Valenzuela around 7:30 pm.
Prayer was offered by the Grand Knight.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
The roll of officers was called.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Recordere and approved as read.
Under GRAND KNIGHT’S REPORT, the GK thanked everyone for joining the virtual meeting, which was being held as such due to the snowy weather and also due to Covid-19 restrictions. The GK mentioned that there were a few issues with getting the February newsletter out and that members should be receiving it by tomorrow.
The GK spoke about the Prayer For Consecration program being done at some of the parishes. A book will be offered for use with this program
Under FINANCIAL SECRETARY’S REPORT, FS Mike Lazzuri reported expenses for the previous month of $2754, of which $1600 was for the Coats For Kids program (coat purchases), $500 for a Special Olympics donation and $450 for State dues.
The financial audit was completed by the Treasurer and Financial Secretary and is ready to be reviewed by the Trustees, then forwarded to State Council and to Supreme.
Under TRUSTEES REPORT, it was reported that the Trustees have not had a chance to review the financial books with the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary as yet and they had nothing else to report at this time.
Under CHANCELLOR’S REPORT, it was mentioned that the Memorial Mass was scheduled for March 15
Under COMMITTEE REPORTS, the Corporation reported their next meeting will be held on Feb. 18 at 7:30 pm
The Scholarship Committee reported on the passing of Brother Bob Canfield, founder of the Albert Canfield Scholarship Program, and the huge loss it is. The program will move forward as planned. The deadline for applications is April 1. Please get the word out about the scholarships to all who may be eligible, as it is harder to notify such candidates with the restrictions in place and the nature of the pandemic. Despite smaller KCIC card sales this past Christmas due to the pandemic restrictions, the committee will still award a maximum of ten $500 scholarships as set in the by-laws.
Under PROGRAMS, St. Andrew’s will be hosting a “Fridays with Fr. Ferg” podcast during Lent.. There is a link on the St. Andrew’s web page..
There was no NEW BUSINESS..
Under the Fourth Degree (Bro Rich Whitney), it was reported that the Exemplification will be held on April 17 and will be virtual.
There was no report of the Insurance Agent.
The DISTRICT DEPUTY reported on the State Council incentive for membership whereby councils will get $4 for each new member.
Under PRAYERS FOR THOSE SICK OR IN DISTRESS, prayers were asked for the following:
Bro Jack Clark (dental work) and his wife (surgery).
GK James Valenzuela’s brother-in-law. (asthma attack).
Bro Roger Vest, whose brother-in-law passed away.
Ed Malinowski had heart surgery.
Vincent Tavormina, NJ State Deputy died from Covid-19.
The nephew of Mass SD Michael Lesperance died in a house fire.
Closing prayer was offered by the GK.
The meeting was adjourned.
Knightly News March, 2021
Keep in your Prayers
The following were offered for prayers at the February Business Meeting:
- Brother Jack Clarke, our field agent, and his wife Michelle
- The Brother-in-law of James Valenzuela, our Grand Knight
- Brother Vince Tavormina, State Deputy of New Jersey who passed away from COVID
- The family of Michael Lesperance, State Deputy of Massachusetts, who lost his nephew in a house fire
- Donnie Ratliff, father of Brother Stephen Ratliff
- Brother Edward Malinowski, recovering from heart surgery
- Brother Roger Vest’s brother-in-law David who passed away
- Past Grand Knight Bob Canfield
as well as all those noted in the Newsletter and those commented below in the next month
(I will be approving comments regularly until the next meeting)