Post Meeting Update

Keep Christ in Christmas Cards sales begin this week at OLN and next week at Saint Andrews

November 9-10: Ministry Fair at Saint Andrews, we will have a booth.

November 12 First Degree (video version) 6:30 at the Council Hall

November 16: Second and Third Degree at the Council Hall, Second Degree at 9 AM Third Degree at 11 AM

November 18: Memorial Mass 6 pm, honoring our 4 deceased knights at OLN.

Keep in Your Prayers:

Tom Brennan, Leon Vincent

Post Meeting Update

Upcoming Events

October 8: First Degree in Salem moved to tomorrow

October 21: Social Night will be a trial fish fry. The wives are invited.

October 26: 9am to noon. Regional Training meeting at the hall

October 29: 7 pm Theology on tap: Father James on conscience

November 3: Fourth Degree Exemplification in Manasas

November 9-10: Ministry Fair at Saint Andrews, we will have a both.

November 16: Second and Third Degree at the hall.

November 18: Memorial Mass 6 pm, honoring our 4 deceased knights.

Upcoming Events:

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, October 5th – Our annual work day for Renovation Alliance will be held on Saturday, October 5. We will be working on a Veterans home in Floyd County rebuilding a small front porch and steps. We will meet at Hardies on Brambleton at 8AM. Please consider volunteering a few hours for this worthwhile and patriotic project. Contact Roger Vest for details (See Newsletter for contact information)

Monday, October  7th –  Business Meeting   Meal begins at 6:30 PM  “Mexican Lasagna” with Spanish rice, salad, and desert.

Meeting begins at 7:30 PM

Monday, October 21st – Social Meeting 

Grand Knight requests that members attend First Degree ceremony being held at Salem Council. (OLPH Church)

Tuesday, October 29th – 

Fr. James O’Reilly will be giving a talk at the Knights of Columbus hall on Oct. 29th on the topic of “conscience”. The talk begins at 7:00 PM and the KoC bar will be open. Please come out and enjoy this talk on the topic of “conscience” and how it effects our decision making. Hope to see you there! 

Saturday, November 16th – 2nd and 3rd Degree scheduled at Council Home

Monday, November 18th – Memorial Mass at Council Home.

Post September Meeting update

Keep in Your Prayers

• Jack Biggio (at Salem VA)
• Dick Sparks, PGK 4th Stage Cancer
• Kevin Legge PGK
• Grand Bahamas hit by Hurricane Dorian

Upcoming Events

September 14: Life in the Spirit Day in Fincastle 9 AM – 5 PM $12 a person

September 24: Saint Andrews Virginia Society of Human Life Presentation 7 PM – 8:30 PM

Post August Meeting Update

Work Day

Scheduled for August 24th, with rain date of 31st 9 am

K of C at the Ballpark

Night at the Ballpark on August 30th.  Contact Saint Gerald’s Council.

September Meeting

Has been moved to Tuesday September Third

Next First Degree

September Sixteenth at 7 pm

Memorial Mass

Tentative Date is November 18th

Weekly updates will occur only when there is something to update on, so if you have an event, or just want us to pray for someone, send an email to