Post September Meeting update

Keep in Your Prayers

• Jack Biggio (at Salem VA)
• Dick Sparks, PGK 4th Stage Cancer
• Kevin Legge PGK
• Grand Bahamas hit by Hurricane Dorian

Upcoming Events

September 14: Life in the Spirit Day in Fincastle 9 AM – 5 PM $12 a person

September 24: Saint Andrews Virginia Society of Human Life Presentation 7 PM – 8:30 PM

Post August Meeting Update

Work Day

Scheduled for August 24th, with rain date of 31st 9 am

K of C at the Ballpark

Night at the Ballpark on August 30th.  Contact Saint Gerald’s Council.

September Meeting

Has been moved to Tuesday September Third

Next First Degree

September Sixteenth at 7 pm

Memorial Mass

Tentative Date is November 18th

Weekly updates will occur only when there is something to update on, so if you have an event, or just want us to pray for someone, send an email to

Keep these in your prayers

  • Brother Gordon Dewhurst has requested prayers for his wife Nancy who is now in hospice care
  • Souls of all those that perished at Virginia Beach, especially Kate Nixon, wife of a brother knight
  • Mary Bowers, mother of Brother David Bowers who died last week.

Grand Knight’s Report: June 2019

Brother Knights,

As this fraternal year comes to a close, I find a great sense of gratitude for all of the support from my brother knights in our council, district and state. This was my first time serving as grand knight and I was truly blessed to have the guidance from so many brother knights with experience as past grand knights. I look forward to opportunities to continue to serve this council, our parishes, and our state with all of you in the next fraternal year.

There were three brother knights who served as officers this fraternal year who will unfortunately be moving away. Special thanks to outside guard Julio Vazques, trustee P.J. Lyons PGK, and trustee John Krumpos PGK for their service and support, especially in the 2018-19 fraternal year. Each of you will always have a home here with our council and know that you go with our prayers.

Vivat Jesus,
James Valenzuela,
Grand Knight

Grand Knight’s Report: May 2016

Brother Knights,

hope everyone had a Happy and Blessed Easter. I am currently preparing for the upcoming state convention, so this report will be brief. As I reflect on The Massseries from Bishop Barron, I often find a sense of gratitude and respect for Bishop Barron and his public ministry with Word On Fire. It is an understatement to say the content he offers on YouTube, his podcasts, and his website is an oasis within those deserts.

We are also blessed, right here in the valley, with the leadership and pastoral care of the clergy who serve the parishes that make up the membership of our council. Let us take a moment to thank the priests and deacons that serve our parishes with dignity and grace. To that end, our annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner is coming up on Monday May 13, so if you have not already made reservations, please contact John Krumpos and/or Pat Reedy. Please continue to pray for clergy and an increase in vocations.

Vivat Jesus,
James Valenzuela,
Grand Knight