Keep in Your Prayers, December ’23
- Donnie Ratliff, father of Brother Stephen Ratliff
- Brother Knight George Cuadrado
- Sharon Swisher
- Brother Knight Leon Vinci
- Leon Vinci’s Brother Keith
- Brother Knight Brian Ripple
Knightly News December, 2023
Keep In Your Prayers November ’23
- Donnie Ratliff, father of Brother Stephen Ratliff
- Late Brother Kurt Wright
Knightly News November, 2023
Keep in your Prayers: October ’23
- Donnie Ratliff, father of Brother Stephen Ratliff
- For the soul of Brother Glen “Dave” Waldis
- George Cuadrado who is having surgery
Knightly News October, 2023
St Andrew’s 40 Hour Devotion
Devotion Sept 21 – 23
As Part of the Eucharistic Revival, St An-drew’s is once again having a 40hr devotion
to the Blessed Sacrament. They are asking for men to help out, especially overnight on
Thursday and Friday. The devotion will begin on Thursday and people are needed to be in
attendance during the entire 40hrs. There are signups for manning the door, helping with
prayers and readings or simply to sit and pray. All prayers are already set so you would
just have to read. St Andrews has asked for help so please sign up below
Adorers, Leaders and Readers
Night Time Door Monitors
Keep in Your Prayers: September ’23
- George Cuadrado having surgery
- Brother Stephen Ratliff’s father Donnie Ratliff
- Steve Wills mother Jane
- GK Clyde Moak’s mother Gilma having balance issues