- Brother Stephen Ratliff’s father Donnie Ratliff
- Brother Tom Engl who had a couple strokes
- Brother Alex Nelson
- Brother Roger Vest’s wife Sharon who has undergone surgery and is recovering
- Mike brother of Brother Mark Johnson
- Joe Collisimo had a triple bypass, is at home and recovering.
- PGK Don Pierce who has cancer
- Brother Joe Devlin
- Frank Mueller
Grand Knight’s Report – August 2023
Worthy Brothers,
I hope that you all have been enjoying the summer months. I went to the state meeting earlier this month and the message that the State and Supreme had for all the councils was that our priests need help. Everyone knows that the parishes have had smaller masses after COVID than before and that many parishionersdid not come back to the church after the pandemic.
Our priests during this time worked hard to keep the faith strong and to shepherd their flocks which all were diminished. It made me think about how that felt to our priests. Our State Chaplin Bishop Loverde was very eloquent when he spoke to us and asked us to help our priests. The failure was not with our priests but within the frail hearts of men.
That is why we are having this National Eucharistic Revival. It is to inspire us. It is to help stoke the fires that have dimmed in the hearts of men. That is what we are being asked to help within our parishes. We are called to show faith, hope and charity in action to others so that the spirit can grow and spread. I amworking with the officers to solidify our programs for this next year, but that is our mindset going forward.
I thank you all in advance for your assistancein these endeavors.
Vivat Jesus!
Clyde Moak,
Grand Knight Council 562
Knightly News August, 2023
Keep In your Prayers
Joe Devlin
Keep in Your Prayers: July ’23
- Brother Stephen Ratliff’s father Donnie Ratliff
- Roger Vest’s Wife (who is at home and making progress)
- Andrew Fornecker. has passed away
- Brother Ed Malinowski’s wife Carolyn
- Jane Wills
- Joe Collisimo had a triple bypass, is at home and recovering.
Grand Knight’s Report
Worthy Brother Knights,
We have once again come to July 4th. This is not only a very patriotic time but also stands as the end of our Fraternal Year. I am humbled that once again you have chosen to have me as your Grand Knight for another year.
I hope that this year will see us finish figuring out what and how we are as a council post-covid. WhatI need most is involvement from all of you. I need you all to tell me what you want to do. What dinners do you want to bring back? What Events that we did do you miss? Are there any that you wish we did?
What can I do to help you feel more welcome and part of this council? What will bring you in?
We have over 260 members. How do I reach out to the 200 of you that I don’t see and what do you want to do with this council that will have you active or at least come to one meeting/event.
Please email me at gk562@vakofc.org and leave me a message – even an anonymous one. Let me know where you want this council to go. Thank you.Vivat Jesus!
Clyde Moak,
Grand Knight Council 562
Note on Emails from the Council
If your are not getting the monthly email of the newsletter, check your spam folder. There have been some issues with some clients classifying the email as spam. The date on the Newsletter post is generally the same day or the day before the email
In the event of you are still not getting emails, contact the Financial Secretary, Brian Ripple.
Knightly News July, 2023
Keep in your prayers: June ’23
- Brother Patrick Crowe for Knee Replacement Surgery
- Brother Ed Malinowski’s wife Carolyn undergoing surgery.
- Brother Roger Vest’s wife Sharron who has undergone surgery
- Brother James Valenzuela’s mother Mary Ann undergoing treatment
Family of the Year ’23
Karl Kleinhenz and his family