- Brother Patrick Crowe for Knee Replacement Surgery
- Brother Ed Malinowski’s wife Carolyn undergoing surgery.
- Brother Roger Vest’s wife Sharron who has undergone surgery
- Brother James Valenzuela’s mother Mary Ann undergoing treatment
Family of the Year ’23
Karl Kleinhenz and his family
Knight of the Year ’23
Tom Huck
Knightly News June 2023
Keep in Your Prayers, May ’23
- Al Bertolacci’s wife Lynn recent surgery
- Those effected by the Tornado in Virginia Beach
- George Cuadrado for recent broken ribs.
- Roger Vest’s wife who is undergoing back surgery soon.
Knightly News May, 2023
Keep in your Prayers, Apr ’23
- Al Bertolacci’s wife, Lynn
- Sister in law of Rich Whitney
Knightly News April, 2023
Keep in Your Prayers: March ’23
- Joe Devlin’s daughter in law having surgery
- Brian Ripple’s brother Andrew Ripple
- Late brother Knight Robert “Bob” Biggs
- Paul Miller’s late sisters Mary Rose and Mary Ann