- Brother Knight Leon Vinci
- Amy Miller, wife of Brother Knight Paul Miller
- The Late Donnie Ratliff, father of Brother Knight Stephen who died 1/21
- The Late Brother Knight Don Feick
- Grand Knight’s mother’s cancer recovery
- Roger Vest’s mother-in-law
- The Late Brother Knight Joe Thompson
- Father Danny Hogan
- Don Brown’s Late Father
Category Archives: Prayers
Keep in Your Prayers – January ’25
- Donnie Ratliff, father of brother Stephen Ratliff
- Michael O’Chalek
- Paul Miller’s wife
- Chris Sheets passed away.
- George Cuadrado’s Wife Shelia recovering from tendon surgery
- Field Agent Jack Clarke’s wife Michelle also recovering from tendon surgery
- Greg and Linda Benda
- Grand Knight’s mother’s cancer recovery
- Roger Vest’s mother-in-law
Keep in Your Prayers: November ’24
- Rich Whitney
- Dan McBride
- Paul Miller’s wife Amy
- Michelle Clarke
- Greg and Linda Banda
- Don Feick
- Mother of Grand Knight James
- Aunt Milli of Brother Knight Juan
Keep in Your Prayers – October 2024
- Jan Hodnett
- Greg Band and his wife
- Amy Miller, wife
- Aunt Milli of Brother Knight Juan Garcia
- State Deputy of Puerto Rico died in a car
- Mother of Grand Knight James
Keep in Your Prayers – August 2024
- Linda, Wife of Brother Knight Greg Benda diagnosed with breast cancer
- The late Lynn Bertollaci (wife of Brother Knight Al)
- The late PGK Robert Poole
- Wife of Brother Knight Paul Miller
- Michelle, wife of Brother Knight Jack Clarke
- The mother of Brother Knight Jack Clarke
- Father George of Saint Ellis
- Paul Yengst who broke his hip
- Paul Yengst’s Mother
- Aunt Milli of Brother Knight Juan Garcia
Keep in Your Prayers – July ’24
- Lynn Bertollaci (wife of Brother Al)
- Aunt Mil of Brother Juan
- Joyce Gordon for recent losses
- Thomas Thornton in auto accident.
- Peter Pallard, Uncle of GK Valenzuela
- Mary Ann, Mother of GK
- And for the 52nd Wedding Anniversary of Donnie and Betsy Ratliff, Brother Stephen’s parents.
Keep in Your Prayers – June ’24
- Donnie & Betsy Ratliff, parents of Brother Stephen Ratliff
- Late Brother Knight Past Grand Knight Pete Voorhis
- Brother Leon Vinci
Keep in your Prayers – May ’24
- Late Brother Knight Pat Reidy
- Donnie Ratliff, father of Brother Knight Stephen Ratliff
- Prayers for safe travel for the OLN Pilgrimage to Rome and Italy
- Brian Carol & wife doing Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain
Keep in Your Prayers – April 2024
- Donnie Ratliff, father of Brother Knight Stephen Ratliff
- Agnes Engl, wife of BK Tom Engl, who died at the end of March
- BK Pat Reidy undergoing cancer treatment
Keep in Your Prayers – March 2024
- Donnie Ratliff, father of Brother Knight Stephen Ratliff
- Brother Pat Reidy
- Brother Joe Colosimo whose wife passed away
- Brother Knight Paul Miller