Grand Knight’s Report – May 2024

Vivat Jesus Brother Knights! I just got back from the Virginia State KofC Convention and I saw a little of how other Knight Councils are doing and what problems they are running into. Which is pretty much the same as we are facing. I would like to see us being a little more involved with our parishes and not asked to help just when there is a beer tent or a grill to be manned. It was inspiring to see over 170 Knights get together. Our State Chaplin, Bishop Loverde, wanted me to pass on that he continues to pray for all the Knights and their families and Fr Sal, one of our Assistant State Chaplains, wanted us to pass on to our councils to please thank our priests. They pray daily 7 times for us and our families.I look forward to seeing what ideas come up from this weekend and what lies ahead for Council 562

Grand Knight’s Report – April 2024

Worthy Brother Knights,
Where are you? What are you doing to help those around you? Ukraine is fighting for its continued existence from Russia. France looks like it is about to mobilize for war. Haiti’s government has fallen and the capital (just a 2 hr air flight from Florida) is in chaos. What are you doing? To quote the song of a Christian Rock singer he said he asked God why don’t you do something. God said “I did – I created you”. No one is going to appear and solve the issues going on in the world with a magic wave of their hand. It is up to us to do something – in our homes, in our churches, our neighborhoods, and so on.
So I am still trying to reach out to the members of Council 562. What do you want to be involved in? What charities do you want to support? What family activities do you want us to host? What do you want us to do? If you don’t tell us then it will be just a few officers deciding for everyone.
I and all of the Council officers wish you all a Happy holy week and a Joyous Eastertide.

Vivat Jesus!

Clyde Moak,
Grand Knight Council 562

Grand Knight’s Report – March 2024

Worthy Brother Knights,
I hope that you all are doing well this Lent. It has been a fast start to the year and we are now just a few weeks from Easter. During this time of reflection I wanted to reach out to all of you. There are so many of you that obviously value being a Knight that you continue to pay your dues year after year. Many of you have not graced the doors of our council home for years.
What will it take to bring you back?
What do you want to see from this council?
What events do you want us to do?
Do you want us to bring back anything in particular?
Special Dinners?
Any specific local charities or events you want us supporting?
Please let me know. What can we do that will bring you out to be involved?
Do you want us doing more at St Andrews? St Elias? OLN?
I have heard of the past where the council hosted local teams in softball, bowling and golf. I
even heard of annual picnics out in the city parks. What do you as Knights of this council want to see. Please send me your ideas and wants. Email me or drop a note to:

Grand Knight
PO Box 20974
Roanoke VA 24018

We want to see you all back involved with the
council. Please let us know what you would
like to do.
Vivat Jesus!