Grand Knight’s Report – January 2024

Worthy Brother Knights,

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Welcome to 2024. If last year is any indication, then this will definitely be a interesting year. We have some interesting plans in place heading into the summer, so please keep your eyes open for things to come. We are planning on running a membership drive at the parishes. If you have any ideas about that please let us (the council officers) know.

We also have our fish fries coming soon enough. Actually I am putting sign up sheets out on the bar for each day so please sign up in advance! A sign up genius will come out closer to the events. We also have a dinner or two being planned but those are still in idea stages right now but will let you know as soon as we have some dates in play. A new year is a great time to look at one’s self and decide to do more in one area of life or another. If you are interested in getting more involved in the council and/or it’s volunteer work then please let us know and we will be glad to help point you in the right direction.

Lastly I want to make a quick mention about all the different things I have heard from different areas about the Pope authorizing blessings. You will note stopped from saying “blessing same sex couples” because it directly says not to do that. Remember that there are many blessings in the church, blessings of the sick, for those in distress, blessing of last rites, blessing on homes, and many more. These are all blessings that are allowed and should be offered to everyone. Don’t listen to what is said on Fox or CNN or the New York Times. Listen to what is said by priests and bishops about this.

Thank is all I have for you all this month. I look forward to seeing you all soon

Vivat Jesus!
Clyde Moak,
Grand Knight Council 562

St Andrew’s 40 Hour Devotion

Devotion Sept 21 – 23
As Part of the Eucharistic Revival, St An-drew’s is once again having a 40hr devotion
to the Blessed Sacrament. They are asking for men to help out, especially overnight on
Thursday and Friday. The devotion will begin on Thursday and people are needed to be in
attendance during the entire 40hrs. There are signups for manning the door, helping with
prayers and readings or simply to sit and pray. All prayers are already set so you would
just have to read. St Andrews has asked for help so please sign up below

Adorers, Leaders and Readers

Night Time Door Monitors